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    Dissertation Proofreading

    The dissertation is the most important academic paper submitted by an undergraduate or Master’s student during their studies. Every student endeavours to submit a dissertation that accurately reflects the hours of effort dedicated to its completion, and one that attracts the maximum potential marks for its content.

    No students wants to have their dissertation fall short of the required standards – and it is especially frustrating if a better grade is missed by a few percentage points – especially if those extra marks could have been secured with an improved writing style.

    However, it is very easy for errors to sneak into a dissertation, even those completed by the most thorough students. Writing a dissertation is a long, draining process. As well as the significant reading, interviews and experiments, pulling together a document of ten thousand words or more is a huge effort. Students often have to balance the development and writing of a dissertation with writing  various other essays and revision for exams.

    This effort will, almost inevitably, lead to some errors being included in the final document. Many of these errors will be extremely minor and difficult to spot – especially when the author is heavily involved in the production of the text. But at the time of marking, these errors may cause an examiner to view the document as being unfinished or rushed, influencing their marking.

    Errors may lead to key arguments contained within the dissertation being missed, due to grammatical or punctuation errors – leading to lower marks. At worst, poor spelling, punctuation and grammar can lead to a dissertation being returned to the student for revision, or rejected entirely.

    These issues can, however, be avoided. Here at Academic Proofreaders, we provide a thorough dissertation proofreading service. Our proofreading service completes an in-depth check of the dissertation’s spelling, punctuation and grammar – removing both minor errors and the grammatical pitfalls that can make an argument ambiguous or contradictory.

    Our expert team have significant experience in academic papers across a broad range of topics. Once submitted, your dissertation will be allocated to the most suitable dissertation proofreader, who will review your document, bearing in mind your instructions and the required deadlines.

    Our dissertation proofreading team have years of experience; all our academic proofreaders hold PhDs, and are required to pass stringent examinations before joining the team – giving you the confidence that the results will be exactly as you require.

    Our rates are affordable, and in return you will receive a revised document – not just a list of recommended changes. Our aim is to provide you with the peace of mind that no mistakes have been missed.

    As a result of dissertation proofreading, your dissertation can be submitted with confidence that the examiner will appreciate a thesis that is well-written and error-free, ensuring that no marks are missed due to simple writing mistakes and allowing you to maximise the results you deserve for the work you have done.

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    Native English speaking PhD qualified editors to help improve your grade.

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